#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Data::Dumper; sub build_rr ($); sub build_name ($); sub decode_flags ($); sub encode_flags ($); $|=1; use IO::Socket::INET; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 53, Proto => 'udp', ); if ( ! $sock ) { die "can't open socket: $!"; } while (my $s = $sock->recv(my $datagram,1500,my $flags)) { my($port, $binary_ipaddr) = sockaddr_in($sock->peername); my $hishost = gethostbyaddr($binary_ipaddr, AF_INET); print "Client: $hishost \n"; my $query = {}; print unpack("H*",$datagram),"\n"; ( $query->{id }, my $_flags, $query->{qdcount}, $query->{ancount}, $query->{nscount}, $query->{arcount}, ) = unpack(" n n n n n n ",$datagram); print "N: ",pack("n",$_flags)," $_flags\n"; $query = { %$query, %{ decode_flags $_flags } }; print "Query: ",Dumper($query); print "D $datagram\n"; my $qname = substr($datagram,6*2); print "qname: $qname\n"; my @QName = (); my $i = 73; # chars f. IPv6 PTR QNAME: { do { my $qnamepart = unpack("C/a",$qname); if ( $qnamepart eq "" ) { last QNAME; } push @QName, $qnamepart; print "QName: @QName\n"; $qname = substr($qname,length($qnamepart)+1); } while ($i--); } print "qname: $qname\n"; $query->{qname} = [ @QName ]; ( undef,$query->{qtype},$query->{qclass} ) = unpack("C n n",$qname); print "qtype: ",$query->{qtype},"\n"; print "qclass: ",$query->{qclass},"\n"; my $ans = undef; if ( $query->{qr } == 0 and $query->{opcode } == 0 and $query->{aa } == 0 and $query->{tc } == 0 and $query->{rd } == 1 and $query->{ra } == 0 and $query->{z } == 0 and $query->{rcode } == 0 and $query->{qdcount} > 0 and $query->{ancount} == 0 and $query->{nscount} == 0 and $query->{arcount} == 0 and $query->{qtype } == 1 and $query->{qclass } == 1 ) { print "ANSWER HERE\n"; my $rr = build_rr { name => $query->{qname} , # requested name type => 1 , # A / host address class => 1 , # IN / internet ttl => 60 , # 60 seconds rdlength => 4 , # 4 bytes rdata => pack ("C C C C", 212,9,165,35 ), }; $ans = build_packet({ id => $query->{id }, qr => 1 , # response opcode => $query->{opcode }, aa => 1 , # authoritative answer tc => 0 , # no truncation rd => 0 , # ra => 0 , # no recursion available z => 0 , # always 0 rcode => 0 , # no error qdcount => 1 , # 1 query ancount => 1 , # 1 answer RR nscount => 0 , # 0 authoritative NS RR arcount => 0 , # additional RR rr => $rr , #qtype => $query->{qtype }, #qclass => $query->{qclass }, }); } else { # error condition print "ERROR HERE\n"; $ans = build_packet({ id => $query->{id }, qr => 1 , # response opcode => $query->{opcode }, aa => 1 , # authoritative answer tc => 0 , # no truncation rd => 0 , # ra => $query->{ra }, # no recursion available z => 0 , # always 0 rcode => 4 , # not implemented qdcount => 0 , ancount => 0 , nscount => 0 , arcount => 0 , rr => "" , qtype => $query->{qtype }, qclass => $query->{qclass }, }); } $sock->send($ans); } sub build_packet ($) { my ($p) = @_; my $_flags = 0; print Dumper($p); $_flags = encode_flags $p; # $_flags |= $p->{rcode } & 0x000f; $_flags <<= 3; # $_flags |= $p->{z } & 0x0007; $_flags <<= 1; # $_flags |= $p->{ra } & 0x0001; $_flags <<= 1; # $_flags |= $p->{rd } & 0x0001; $_flags <<= 1; # $_flags |= $p->{tc } & 0x0001; $_flags <<= 1; # $_flags |= $p->{aa } & 0x0001; $_flags <<= 4; # $_flags |= $p->{opcode} & 0x000f; $_flags <<= 1; # $_flags |= $p->{qr } & 0x0001; print "BPF: $_flags\n"; print "BPF: ",pack("n",$_flags),"\n"; if ( defined $p->{qtype } and defined $p->{qclass } ) { return pack( "n n n n n n a* n n", $p->{id}, $_flags, $p->{qdcount}, $p->{ancount}, $p->{nscount}, $p->{arcount}, $p->{rr }, $p->{qtype }, $p->{qclass }, ); } elsif ( ! defined $p->{qtype } and ! defined $p->{qclass } ) { return pack( "n n n n n n a*", $p->{id}, $_flags, $p->{qdcount}, $p->{ancount}, $p->{nscount}, $p->{arcount}, $p->{rr }, ); } else { die "build_packet() error"; } } sub build_name ($) { join "",map { chr(length($_)) . $_ } @{$_[0]},""; } sub build_rr ($) { my ($p) = @_; print Dumper($p); # 0x0000: 4500 004b bac5 0000 3c11 be84 d409 a001 E..K....<....... # 0x0010: d409 bd43 0035 bf1a 0037 3c31 8e08 8580 ...C.5...7<1.... # 0x0020: 0001 0001 0000 0000 0377 7777 0663 6974 .........www.cit # 0x0030: 6563 7302 6465 0000 0100 01c0 0c00 0100 ecs.de.......... # 0x0040: 0100 0151 8000 04d4 09a5 23 ...Q......# print join " ", "BRR", "type :",$p->{type }, "class :",$p->{class }, "ttl :",$p->{ttl }, "rdlength:",$p->{rdlength }, "rdata :",$p->{rdata }, "\n"; return pack( "a* n n n n n N n a*", build_name $p->{name}, $p->{type }, $p->{class }, 0xc00c,0x0001,0x0001, # repeat label f. q. section [0] $p->{ttl }, $p->{rdlength }, $p->{rdata }, ); } sub encode_flags ($) { my ($p) = @_; my $_flags = ( $p->{rcode } & 0x000f ) | ( $p->{z } & 0x0007 ) << 4 | ( $p->{ra } & 0x0001 ) << 7 | ( $p->{rd } & 0x0001 ) << 8 | ( $p->{tc } & 0x0001 ) << 9 | ( $p->{aa } & 0x0001 ) << 10 | ( $p->{opcode} & 0x000f ) << 11 | ( $p->{qr } & 0x0001 ) << 15 ; print "N: $_flags\n"; return $_flags; } sub decode_flags ($) { my ($_flags) = @_; my $p = {}; print "N: $_flags\n"; $p->{qr } = ( $_flags & 0x8000 ) >> 15; $p->{opcode} = ( $_flags & 0x7800 ) >> 11; $p->{aa } = ( $_flags & 0x0400 ) >> 10; $p->{tc } = ( $_flags & 0x0200 ) >> 9; $p->{rd } = ( $_flags & 0x0100 ) >> 8; $p->{ra } = ( $_flags & 0x0080 ) >> 7; $p->{z } = ( $_flags & 0x0070 ) >> 4; $p->{rcode } = ( $_flags & 0x000f ) ; print "qr: ",$p->{qr },"\n"; print "opcode: ",$p->{opcode },"\n"; print "aa: ",$p->{aa },"\n"; print "tc: ",$p->{tc },"\n"; print "rd: ",$p->{rd },"\n"; print "ra: ",$p->{ra },"\n"; print "z: ",$p->{z },"\n"; print "rcode: ",$p->{rcode },"\n"; return $p; } __END__ # # ein RR in einer DNS-Anwort nach einem A-RR hat lt. RFC 1035 p.28 das Format: # # +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ # | | # / / # / NAME / # | | # +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ # | TYPE | # +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ # | CLASS | # +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ # | TTL | # | | # +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ # | RDLENGTH | # +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--| # / RDATA / # / / # +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ # # Tatsaechlich kommt folgendes von einem DNS als # Antwort zurueck: # # 0x0000: 4500 004b c844 0000 3c11 b105 d409 a001 E..K.D..<....... # # 0x0010: d409 bd43 0035 ca0a 0037 9d6d 21dc 8580 ...C.5...7.m!... # [0] [1] # 0x0020: 0001 0001 0000 0000 0377 7777 0663 6974 .........www.cit # [2] [3] [4] [5] [-------- 6 ------ # 0x0030: 6563 7302 6465 00 0001 0001 c00c 0001 00 ecs.de.......... # ----- 6 --------] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11 # # 0x0040: 01 00015180 0004 d409a523 ...Q......# # -] [12] [13] # # wobei: # [0] - id (sequence) # [1] - flags = RESPONSE OPCODE=0 AUTHORITATIVE-ANSWER=1 TRUNCATION=0 # RECURSION-DESIRED=1 RECURSION-AVAILABLE=1 Z=0 RCODE=0 # [2] - QDCOUNT=1 # [3] - ANCOUNT=1 # [4] - NSCOUNT=0 # [5] - ARCOUNT=0 # Wiederholung des Query-Records: # [6] - urspruenglich angefragter Hostname # [7] - QTYPE=1 host address # [8] - QCLASS=1 Internet # # Antwort-RR: # [9] - 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 # [9a] [---- 9b ---] # Label an Offset 12[9b] wiederverwenden[9a], das waere [6] # [10] - TYPE=1 host address # [11] - CLASS=1 Internet # [12] - TTL=86400 # [14] - RLENGTH=4 # [15] - RDATA=d409a523 -> # # 00015180 - serial 86400 # d409a523 - #